Name: Mac OS 8.1 Update Version: n/a Released: March 10, 1997 Requires: Italian Mac OS 8.0. Description: This software updates Mac OS 8.0 to Mac OS 8.1. Includes bug fixes and feature enhancements. For complete information, please see all documentation included with this software. To access "Mac OS 8.1: Late Breaking Tips", point your web browser to: This software is available four different ways. Each method of obtaining this software will provide you the exact same software. (a.) One MacBinary self-mounting Disk Copy image (b.) One Binhexed self-mounting Disk Copy image (c.) Thirteen MacBinary parts of a self-mounting Disk Copy image (d.) Thirteen Binhexed parts of a self-mounting Disk Copy image If you choose (a.) or (b.), download this self-mounting image to your hard drive and then double-click it to uncompress and mount the disk image on your desktop. Please read the documents included on this disk image before installing the software. If you choose (c.) or (d.), download all 13 parts to your hard drive and then double-click on the first segment to uncompress and mount the disk image on your desktop. Read the documents included on this disk image before installing the software. You may wish to download the 13 parts instead of the individual 16MB self-mounting image if you are a using a modem connection or if you wish to transport "Mac OS 8.1 Update" to another machine via floppy. NOTE: This update is offered in MacBinary (.bin) and Binhex (.hqx) formats. Please choose the option that is the most convenient for you to download. MacBinary format may make the download time quicker. If your web browser or ftp client is not configured for MacBinary, or if you experience problems downloading using MacBinary, you can download the Binhex posting of this software. You will receive the same software no matter which option you download.