Name: Drive Setup Version: 1.3.1 Released: October 6, 1997 (Reposted December 5, 1997) Requires: Hard drive security software turned off (including the security feature of At Ease). An internal ATA (IDE) hard disk and System software version 7.1.2 or later. You should use Drive Setup 1.3.1 to update your computer if you have a Macintosh Performa or Power Macintosh 5400, 5500, 6360, 6400, or 6500 series computer or the Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh. Description: Drive Setup installs software that your computer uses to work with your hard disk. Drive Setup 1.3.1 updates this software to prevent a rare incident in which you may lose files on your hard disk or are unable to start up the computer using your hard disk on the machines listed above. For complete information, please see the Read Me included with this software. This software consists of a Disk Copy NDIF (New Disk Image Format) compressed image, which requires Disk Copy 6.1 or later to use. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. Disk Copy is available in the Utilities folder. Disk Copy 6.1 (or later) or Disk Image Mounter 2.1 (or later) from Apple are the recommended applications to access all disk images released by Apple and are the only supported applications to access NDIF disk images.