Name: AppleShare Client Setup Version: 1.0 Released: May 4, 1998 Requires: System 7.0 or higher Description: AppleShare Client Setup is a utility for customizing the AppleShare Client. This utility is loosely based on Jim Luther's AppleShare Setup Control Panel. It is built with PowerPlant(TM) and uses the GrayScale Appearance classes. It is intended for both the site administrator and the power user. To configure the currently installed client, just open AppleShare Client Setup. To configure other clients, either select them using the Open command from the File menu or drag them onto the AppleShare Client Setup icon. Instructions: This software consists of a Disk Copy NDIF (New Disk Image Format) self-mounting compressed image. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. SUPPORT NOT PROVIDED This version of AppleShare Client Setup is provided as a convenience. Technical support is NOT available for users of this software.