Name: BF-DOS Compat. Keyboard Fix Version: n/a Released: October 16, 1995 Description: This package contains the necessary files to correct Belgian keyboard mapping problem with the DOS Compatibility Card. Please see the Read Me for complete details. The enclosed file is a self-extracting archive. To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it). From the Read Me in this archive: This package contains the necessary files to correct keyboard mapping problem with the DOS Compatibility Card. There are three files. They are a new version of the PC Setup control panel, a BE.SYS file and a KBDBE.DLL file. The installation instructions are: 1. Copy the new PC Setup control panel to the control panels folder. 2. Place the BE.SYS file in the C:\DOS directory on the PC. 3. Place the KBDBE.DLL file in the windows system directory (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM unless the windows directory has a different name). Replace the currently installed version if there is one. 4. Add "KEYB BE,,C:\DOS\BE.SYS" to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file 5. Open the Control Panel and double-click the International icon. 6. Set the keyboard layout to Belgian.